Here at Desert Hooves Pony Club, we strive for excellence, but never forget to have fun. Pony Clubs across America aim to educate the national youth equestrian population, and members learn not only how to ride safely and effectively, but they also learn how to care for their equine partners properly. Whether you're 7 or 70, there is always something new to learn or skills to build on, and Pony Clubs are there to help!
Desert Hooves PC members in good standing will be able to participate in monthly mounted and unmounted meetings, educational field trips, community service activities, local various shows around the Valley, and even a week long summer camp with other members in our USPC Southwest Region. Additionally, members will participate in Rallies, which are Pony Club member-only shows in which teams compete in a ridden discipline and/or Horse Management exercises. We even have an Everything But The Horse Rally option!
Our club is fortunate to have several amazing instructors who are willing to devote their expertise and knowledge to building the skills of our members. They are passionate about the Pony Club program and the club's members. While having your own access to a horse does allow you to participate in more activities, it is not a requirement to join Desert Hooves Pony Club. Through a few generous volunteers, on occasion we do have access to suitable mounts for members to use in order to participate in activities. You only need a desire to become improve your horsemanship skills to excel in Pony Club!